Instagram Collections!
Yes, Instagram has released yet another feature!
On the 17th of April Instagram released it's newest feature 'Collections'. Since December 2016 users have been able to 'save' others posts by simply clicking the flag style button found under individual posts which then saves to a private tab on your profile for you to reference later.
Now, the newest feature let's you save these images into 'collection', folders in which you can organise by topic. Sound familiar? Oh, yea that would be because it's exactly what popular (competitor) application Pinterest does, in fact its everything Pinterest is!
These collections currently are private boards, however, much like everything else on the platform we are almost certain that this feature will in time be available for all to see! With only 46% of users stating they have used the 'save' feature released in December we eagerly await the data to be released on this newest feature. Will it disrupt the Pinterest space, or will it be a flop like Facebook Stories? We will have to wait and see!
Let's step through how to create an Instagram Collection!
1. The Image - Find the image you just have to save!
2. The Flag - Hold down the 'Flag' found on the right hand side under the image
3. Collection - Create your 'collection' by hitting the + or save to an existing collection simply by clicking on it
4. And there you have it!! All your saved images in one neat and tidy spot that you can access from your profile page.