Instagram // NEW IGTV

They have gone and done it again! Instagram is known for its online innovation & creating a place where people can connect with those who inspire, educate and entertain you every day. Now with 1 billion active users, yes that's 1 billion active users they have launched a new feature & a new stand-alone app! IGTV...

So what is IGTV? IGTV, is a new app for watching long-form, vertical video from your favorite Instagram creators. Fair to say they are rivaling traditional TV and they are most certainly challenging YouTube. 

How do you watch? There is a standalone app called IGTV, however,  their 1 billion users can immediately access the new feature you’ll be able to watch from within the Instagram app so the entire community can engage.

How does IGTV work? 

  1. It’s built for how you actually use your phone, videos are full screen and vertical.

  2. Unlike on Instagram, videos aren’t limited to one minute. Instead, each video can be up to an hour long.

  3. Just like turning on the TV, IGTV starts playing as soon as you open the app.

  4. You don’t have to search to start watching content from people you already follow on Instagram and others you might like based on your interests.

  5. You can swipe up to discover more — switch between “For You,” “Following,” “Popular” and “Continue Watching.”

  6. You can also like, comment and send videos to friends in Direct.

  7. When you follow a creator on Instagram, their IGTV channel will show up for you to watch.

  8. Anyone can be a creator — you can upload your own IGTV videos in the app or on the web to start your own channel.

If you ask us this is pretty damn cool! In fact, this will change the online landscape and it will most certainly change the way we market businesses online. Vlogging will take on a whole new meaning. Influencer engagement & how effective they are at activating their audiences will now include analyzing how their IGTV performs. 

Let's just say we are totally excited to see how else this new platform affects the way businesses market themselves, influencers engage and the audience interacts. 

We will be writing follow-up articles in the coming weeks as more data is released! 

Now go watch this video from the launch of IGTV and then head over to the app to give it a try. 

S x 


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