How To Be Consistent With Your Content

Here’s the truth about consistency…. Your marketing or content strategy won’t work without it.
Yep, you read that right.

A great plan is one thing however if you’re not executing it properly, when, where and how you said you were going to when you put the strategy together - it’s just not gonna work.

Below is our guide on how you can begin to create some more consistency within your marketing right now.

  1. Commit to the work.  Creating content for your business is going to take and will require dedicated time throughout your week to ensure it all gets done. 

    Determine how often you will be posting content and aim to stick to it each week.
    And don’t forget to let us know in the comments what changes you’re going to be making.

  2. Create Content Pillars. Create content pillars/buckets/themes you can use to determine the key topics you will be speaking about across all of your platforms. 5 Content Pillars is great to start with.

  3. Plan and Batch create. Sit down and work out what content you will be creating for the week or fortnight ahead. 

    This includes taking photos, shooting videos and creating graphics. Doing it all at once is more efficient because you stay in the mindset and can think about the relationships between the posts.

  4. Download a Scheduling App. We use Planoly, simply because it’s so easy to use. Schedule in all of your prepared content including your hashtags and walk away.

  5. Schedule content for the same day and time each week. So you know when each piece of content is firing, this will also help if you want to jump in at the same time as a post goes live to engage with other accounts too.

  6. Commit to doing it all again next week.

Need some help with your socials? Whether you’re just looking for a little advice, a done for you strategy or full Social Media management, we can help.

Book a free 20 minute chat with Sammi.


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Double Tap Diaries - Luke Burgess