Digital Marketing Checklist for Business - Housekeeping & Preparation

What does an agency ask for and how you should be prepared!

Over the course of the coming weeks we are going to touch on the key areas of our digital marketing checklist that all small to medium businesses should address before commencing any digital work. 

First, let's start with a little housekeeping and prep!  There are 6 key questions us 'agency folk' will always address before commencing any work with you, so get yourself prepared prior to engaging us. So what are they? 

  1. Login details or permissions - have just one document listing all details including, links, emails associated with accounts, usernames and passwords.

  2. Previous reports - all online reports for the previous 12 months will allow for an agency to see where you are at and where improvements can be made.

  3. Website CMS access - Allowing direct access to your websites 'backend' much like the previous point allows agencies to see scope of work as well as execute any additional work you have hired them for.

  4. Core brand and creative assets - high resolution images of all brand assets including campaign images, logos and style guides.

  5. Digital copies - any in circulation. Digital promotions or recently run campaigns if any for reference.

  6. Case studies & testimonials - Collate a spreadsheet of any case studies and testimonials to be used on socials, website and alike. If you don't have any it's time to get moving on this section!

Now, that we've touched on all of that. How did you score? Can you tick off every section as knowing where to find it and supply your agency with access? If not it's time to get cracking, get your house organised! These assets are crucial to any business at anytime in it's lifecycle. Having all of these areas checked and in one nice tidy folder allows for any agency or in-house employee to get straight to work upon activation, leaving no lag time between hiring and commencing work! 

Next article we will touch on your current marketing strategy! 


Digital Marketing Checklist for Business - Marketing Strategy
