Are You Ready For Facebook Ads?

Facebook Ads, some people swear by them, some people have never tried them and others are scared off after a bad experience, usually, after either unsuccessfully running their own ads or working with an Ads Manager that just wasn’t up for the job.

When done well there is no denying Facebook Ads can be an absolute game-changer for a business, or on the other end - an absolute waste of money and horrible experience when not done well. 

So while Facebook Ads are top of mind for so many business owners (with Christmas fast approaching too) we thought we’d round up some of our most asked questions so you can devour the answers here, and make a decision on if you’d like to run Facebook Ads for your brand.


There is no single answer here, ultimately it depends on what you want to achieve.

If you’re a new brand with low website traffic, a small social media following, and are building up your digital presence, reach, brand awareness and traffic ads are going to be brilliant for you. They’ll help us attract more of the right people to your website and will allow us to test and create your custom audiences, attracting more of the right people and building your brand awareness. 

These ads are generally low cost and get your brand in front of more of the right people, unfortunately, they don’t really generate sales and this is something we work up to - we need people to your website (in good numbers) before we can turn on any retargeting campaigns that are going to generate you any money. 

If you’re an existing brand that’s been around for a little while, your Facebook Pixel is installed and your website is currently converting at a rate of 1-3% (industry average) you’re ready for conversion ads - the kind that generates cash. 

We often see two mistakes here: new brands looking for sales and turning on conversion ads too soon before we have any data and anyone to retarget to - meaning they burn through cash. Or, the opposite, brands running low-cost reach and brand awareness ads for months and months and not understanding why they aren’t seeing any sales.

When we run campaigns we use a strategic combination of Ad types that help us generate new leads and retarget existing ones, giving our clients the strongest ROAS (return on ad spend) we possibly can. 


It depends on what you want to achieve. 

If you’re running retargeting campaigns we generally recommend starting with a budget of around $250 per week (ad spend). 

We’ve had so many conversations with people who have been told they can run ads for as little as $5-$10 per day, and while this might be true if you’re running a small engagement or reach campaign, it’s simply not possible when we’re looking to generate sales. 

For a sales generating ad, expect to spend around $35 per day.

Once you’ve nailed your targeting and audiences you can look to increase this. 


Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee specific results, what we can do however is a guarantee we will do everything in our power to ensure you get a positive outcome.

For best results, we (with your help) dive into understanding your ideal client on an intimate level, what makes them who they are, their desires, pain points, and the best ways to communicate with them to ensure your ads are connecting with them. 

Strong imagery and video content is also imperative when it comes to the success of your campaigns.

We will happily provide you insight and advice when it comes to imagery and content creation for the best results. 


If you're interested in running ads please get in touch with Sammi ( or book a free 20-minute chat here. 

We’ll be able to run through all of the options with you and work out the best plan forward. 

If you have any other questions please get in touch and we’d be happy to answer them for you.


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