Instagram Tests Favourites: It could have a significant impact on the way people use the platform

Well, the time has come (we knew it would happen eventually) where Instagram is planning to roll out its newest feature 'Favourites' in which you can now share posts with an intimate group of 'best' friends only!

Yes, you heard right you can post as per normal but target just an intimate group of people labelled 'favourites' who are the only people to see your post, not the 100's and in many cases 1000's of followers you have amassed. 

It works for both regular posts and Instagram Story. The feature let's you determine exactly who can see your photos. Plus, there is no limit to the number of people you can add to your favourites! However, Instagram's intensions were for users to create intimate groups of around 10 - 30 people. 

Accordingly to many outlets reporting on this recently release it's believed this new feature could really alter the way the platform is used. 

For starters there is the whole privacy issue and this feature allows for just that PRIVACY. Users can exercise greater control over who views their content. 

The other debate is this new feature creates a sense of closeness to the person you've selected in your favourites group, as a result, they may be more inclined to Like your posts. Getting guaranteed Likes could in turn encourage you to share a greater number of pictures on the platform. 

Its very early days with Instagram testing the feature among a small percentage of users starting today, with an eye toward rolling it out more broadly in coming months. “We really want to get this right,” Stein says.

We were lucky enough to be one of that small % so we gave it a go. Below we have outlined exactly what this favourites feature looks like. 

The Feed Post

The Steps // Create favourites group, post, turn on favourites, saved in favourites!

The Steps // Create favourites group, post, turn on favourites, saved in favourites!

The Story Post

Share your story with only your favourites.

Share your story with only your favourites.

There you have it! Pretty simple feature which has the potential to shake up the social media space. 

In the words of Stein “The best version of Instagram is one where you feel closer to the people you are connected to because you’re on Instagram together than you would on any other product in the world,” He continues. “Even if you live all over the world, you feel like you’re with them. That’s something we want to drive as the core focus of the product.”

Now, lets sit back and watch how this new feature tracks over the coming months! Will it have the same results as the story... Only time will tell!




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