Facebook Pixel 101

What it is and why you need it, stat.

If you tell me you have an online business, my first question is “Is your Facebook Business Manager account set up?” and the next, “Is Facebook Pixel installed into your website?”

If your answer is anywhere between a blank expression and “Maybe…”, then I highly recommend you find out about it ASAP, or make sure you’re working with someone who understands it, like us.

The reason we feel so strongly about it is because it collects user data from your site, even if you’re not ready to do anything with it. You see, when you install Facebook Pixel to your site (which, by the way, is super easy to do), you enable Facebook to speak to your website and collect user data, which means, when you do decide to run ads, you’ll be able to jump straight into retargeting some of those warm leads a.k.a the people that have been to your site but might not yet have made a purchase, but are clearly interested. 

The collected data also allows you to create custom audiences which ‘look like’ the people that have been to your website or visited and engaged with any of your socials. It does this by taking the data it has about all of the people it can find that have interacted with your socials and your websites, and creates profiles based on their online behaviours, interests, locations etc. and finds more people just like these people to send your ad to, hoping it will find more of the people that are likely to love your brand and make a purchase. 

The other great benefit to setting up your Business Manager and installing your Pixel is that it also shortens the ‘learning time’ for your ads. Translated, that means you’re able to more effectively target people that are already interested in your brand, which increases the chances of success from the beginning. Win-win. And it sure beats deciding, down the track, that you’re going to start running ads and having to start from zero, even though you can see you’ve had tens of thousands of hits to your website: people you could retarget if you’d had your Pixel installed.

Still like, “Pixel, who?” No worries. Get in touch and we can set it up and ensure you’re ready to go for whenever you decide to start running ads.  Book a free 20min discovery call and let's see if we’re a good fit for your business.


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